DHI Hair Transplant

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What is DHI Hair Transplantation?

DHI Hair Transplantation is a technique known as Direct Hair Implantation. The DHI technique is translated into Turkish as "Direct Hair Transplantation".

DHI hair transplantation is one of the hair transplantation methods performed with special devices called “implanter pen”. This method can be called pen technique / hair transplantation with a pen.

What are the Stages of DHI Hair Transplant Method?

After a comprehensive preliminary examination and hair analysis, the area with shedding opening is measured. As a result of this measurement, the approximate number of grafts to be taken from the donor area is determined.

DHI Hair Transplant Stages:

* Haircut

* Local anesthesia

* Removal of hair follicles

* Thanks to the device called the implanter pen, grooving and graft transplantation operations are carried out at the same time.

Hair shaving takes an average of 10 minutes. The nape area where the hair will be taken must be shaved with zero number.

Local anesthesia takes an average of 15-20 minutes.

After determining the area where the hair follicles will be taken, drawing is done. Anesthesia is applied over the drawn areas with a painless anesthesia device, 5 cm apart. A pressurized (needle-free) anesthesia device should be used for a painless, painless and comfortable hair transplant.

Although the process of removing the hair follicles one by one with the help of a micromotor takes an average of 3 hours, it may vary according to the number of grafts to be taken. The hair follicles to be taken from the donor area, which has been pre-anesthetized with local anesthesia, should be in the form of a completely homogeneous dilution. Punches suitable for the diameter of the hair follicles should be preferred at the acquisition stage. While using smaller diameter punch for the extraction of single hair follicles, larger diameter punches should be used when taking double and triple hair follicles. Appropriate punch selection is very important in order not to damage the hair follicles taken. The hair follicles taken must be classified separately according to the number of roots.

After the intake process is completed, the front line is determined. The determined area is anesthetized painlessly and painlessly with a pressure anesthesia device.  

Hair follicles are placed one by one into the root sockets of special pens called implanter pen. The needles in the pen are used specifically for the person. Then, the mechanism behind the pen is pressed and the graft inside the device is placed into the opened canal. The application process should be done by experts who have been trained in this field. Otherwise, the roots will be broken and damaged during the placement process. . After transplanting single hair follicles on the front line, double and triple hair follicles are placed on the back lines so that a natural look and density is obtained. After the planned graft transplantation is done, the procedure is completed. Hair transplantation with DHI takes an average of 7-8 hours. This period may vary from person to person. The donor area (the nape of the hair) is covered by dressing. The transplant area is not closed, the cap is removed in closed areas until the washing day, and a cap is worn when going out to open areas. The purpose of this is to protect the transplant area from dust, dirt and external factors in order to prevent infection .   

What are the advantages of DHI hair transplantation?

  • The grafts taken from the donor area are kept outside in the least amount of time. The longer the waiting period, the higher the chance of damage to the hair follicle. 
  • In the DHI method, it is easier to direct the hair follicles during transplantation.
  • With the DHI method, it offers the chance to plant without the need for the patient to shave completely. However, the donor area must be shaved before it can be taken. 
  • In the DHI method, the damage caused when placing hair follicles in the area to be transplanted is minimal. After sowing, crusting is observed less. Wound healing is shorter. 

DHI Hair Transplantation Method or Fue Method?

Both techniques have advanced features in themselves. While making a choice here, it is the patient's choice of the technique that is appropriate for his/her existing condition and the opinion of the specialist doctor. 

For example, if the patient has a dense opening on the forehead and the crown, he or she will need approximately 5000-6000 hair grafts. Thus, it is more appropriate to have the Fue technique done. Because the area without hair is a very large area. Hair grafts are needed more in large areas. However, if the hairless part of the patient is in a position to be covered with 2000 or 3000 roots, DHI hair transplantation is much healthier. Because in the DHI hair transplantation method, it is possible to plant more frequent hair grafts in narrow areas.

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