Fat injection

  Who is fat injection for?

  The first signs of aging on the face are not the appearance and deepening of wrinkles in the skin, as is usually thought.  More important than the wrinkles is the melting of the fat pads, which give the face an old and tired image or expression and bring fullness especially in the middle part of the face.  Wrinkles on the face usually start to gain attention in  the late years of the thirty age  . However, by the early years of the thirty age , the face gradually begins to lose its fullness.  In particular, the melting of the fatty pads under the eyelids causes 3 major problems.  The middle part of the face is emptied, skeletonized, the facial features become hollow and the eyelids begin to sag.  In order to eliminate all of these problems, the empty space in the middle of the face must be filled with the person's own tissue.

  How is fat injection done?

  Today, 2 methods are used for fat transfer.  These methods are "conventional fat injection" and "micro-fat transplantation".  The difference between these 2 methods is the permanence of the quantity of fat injected.  In the first method, the collected fat is injected as it is and en masse.  they get up.  With this method, the fusion rate of placed fat cells was reduced from 80% to 30-40%, that is, the permanence of fat on the face was increased.  Micro-injection also prevents facial fluctuations and excessive swelling.  In addition, as some cells melt and the remaining part of the body is unpredictable, a single injection is usually not enough, sometimes several sessions may be necessary

In this technique, facial areas (cheeks, cheeks) depending on aging

  How long does the fat injection last?

  Fat injection takes an average of 30 to 45 minutes.

  What are the benefits of fat injection?

  Carrying out this application under local anesthesia allows the patient not to feel pain.  Injecting fat into the face is an effective and painless method used to restore volume lost over time and increase existing volume.

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