Laparoscopic Reflux Surgery
Reflux surgery is one of the most frequently performed operations using laparoscopic techniques. Patients' postoperative complaints are few and the recovery period is short. Every reflux patient who can be operated on with the laparoscopic method can be treated without the need for open surgery. Reflux in the stomach, as it is known in medicine, " gastroesophageal reflux ", is caused by the leakage of food or stomach fluid into the esophagus. Heartburn and other complaints that arise as a result of this make up the general picture of " reflux " discomfort.
Spicy, fatty foods, chocolate or acidic drinks cause increased complaints of reflux. Reflux can be suspected if people have a "burning" sensation after eating. It is very common among complaints of food entering the mouth, difficulty in swallowing and reflux. Pain when swallowing, hiccups, feeling sick in the stomach, burping, although rare, are common complaints. Reflux can also have other negative effects on the body. Cough, hoarseness, tooth decay may occur.
How is laparoscopic reflux treatment?
In reflux disease, drug therapy is preferred in the first stage. Drug therapy usually gives healthy results in patients. Medications balance gastric acid secretion. In patients whose complaints do not resolve despite drug treatment, surgery is appropriate. Even if reflux improves with drug treatment, the possibility of recurrence can be observed.
What foods cause reflux ?
With laparoscopic reflux surgeries, the majority of patients can get rid of reflux permanently. People who pay attention to their nutrition program and lifestyle after the operation do not need medication after the operation. After the operation with the closed method, patients stay in the hospital for 1 day. It is possible to resume the rhythm of daily life after about 3 or 4 days. In reflux surgeries performed with the classic method, we had to make a surgical incision of 20 or 30 cm. In the closed method, there are no problems in terms of health and aesthetics, because tiny holes are made.
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