Hyaluronic acid, naturally present in the body, gives the skin a fresh and hydrated appearance thanks to its intense water retention effect. However, with the effect of aging, the amount of hyaluronic acid in the skin begins to decrease. With the decrease in the amount of hyaluronic acid, the skin loses its vitality and luminosity. With the application of light filler under the eyes, which has become popular especially recently, it aims to regain that lost vitality and moisture in the skin.
Many people look older and exhausted for a variety of reasons, including bags under the eyes and dark circles. The reason for the formation of bags under the eyes is usually a sleep disorder and an unhealthy and irregular lifestyle. With the application of under eye light filler, the under eye pit is filled in, the eye area looks younger and it is restructured. This process is also used in the treatment of bruises, puffiness and dark circles, allowing you to achieve a more youthful and vigorous appearance.
How is Light Fill made?
Light filling is a procedure that can be applied not only to women, but also to men. The application of light filler under the eyes may differ from other filler techniques. The most important of these differences is that this application is not an operation performed under the skin, but a procedure applied on the bone.
Light filler is done with injections using very fine tip needles, just like face and lip fillers. Prior to the procedure, the eye area is examined and treatment planning takes place accordingly. Before the procedure, a low-dose local anesthetic is applied around the eyes. Then the eye area is wiped with a special tonic and cleaned of dirt and makeup. Finally, small filling inoculations are made at all the necessary points at the dose set by the doctor. As the filler process is applied, a light filler is gradually applied to the area. Because this way it is ensured that the people who undergo the procedure do not feel any pain during the application.
What should be considered before the light filling process ?
There are some points you need to pay attention to before applying a light fill. We can list these points as follows:
● Tobacco use slows blood flow in the body, which can increase the risk of infection. Therefore, stop smoking at least two weeks before the operation.
● Stop consuming alcohol before the procedure and avoid using blood thinners.
● Before starting the procedure, tell your doctor about all medications you are using, if any.
● It also pays to pay attention to your diet. Because with proper nutrition your healing process will be much healthier and the risk of infection will be minimized. In this process, it can be beneficial to eat plenty of fruits, vegetables, and lean proteins.
After applying light filler
There are a few important things you need to pay attention to after a light fill. We can list those important points that should be considered after application as follows:
● After the procedure, ice is applied. It is not recommended to take a hot bath the first day after application.
● You should avoid excessive facial movement for the first two days and avoid sports that require excessive movement for the first week.
● It is recommended to avoid extreme heat or severe cold for two weeks after the procedure.
You do not need to stay in the hospital after the light filler procedure. Provided the above recommendations are followed, you can resume your normal life and work after application.
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